Chapter 1


1.1 Sets & Numbers

Sets, or collections of objects, are the basic building blocks of numbers and mathematics.

1.2 Functions

A function is any rule that matches each item in one set with exactly one item from another set, much like how each button on a soda machine is linked one specific drink.

1.3 Graphs of Functions

Just like roller coasters, functions can go up and down and have peaks and valleys.

1.4 Transformations of Functions

When making ice cream, chefs often start with a basic recipe and then add in special ingredients. In a very similar way, we can take basic functions and transform them into new functions by adding constants into the mix.

1.5 Inverse Functions

A process that brings you back to where you started is called an inverse. It works just like a return flight on an airplane.

1.6 Measuring How Functions Change

Where you are headed is often more important than where you are at the moment. Compare the path taken by Enron with that of Apple.

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